Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Yin/Yang Principle & Creation Magick


Magick of Yin & Yang 

I want to start off by mentioning that as I decoded this symbol many profound messages came through and this is a symbol that encompasses so much when we want to truly understand how to manifest and create in this reality. I decoded this symbol in more depth on patreon. You can check out what we are doing on Patreon HERE There is some public content available there as well. 

Yin represents potential energy and yang represents active energy. Typically yin is called "negative" energy" and yang is called "positive energy". In the times we live there is a lot of programming around the words "negative" and "positive". The feminine being associated with the "negative" and the masculine being associated with the "positive" energy. These modern terms are extremely misleading and unless one is willing to decode that will look over this symbol, without a second thought. 

The true nature of the yin energy is potential energy and the true nature of the yang is active energy. When we look at it this way we understand these energies as tools for understanding the nature of this reality. In everything in life there are cycles. This is why this symbol is encompassed in a circle, representing completion and cycles. When we understand cycles we can begin to understand the movement of energy. 

What's In The Dark...

Yin energy represents the unmanifested potential energy. This is the space we go to in meditation, when everything is dark and quiet. This is where we get rest & can begin to come back to self. The yin energy is excellent for becoming centered and getting our energetic center balanced. In this space we allow ideas and inspiration to come to us. Once we ground these ideas we can begin to manifest them in the physical reality. How do we manifest in the physical reality? We use our yang or active energy to manifest in the physical reality. 

Comes To The Light. 

Once we dive into the yin energy and choose which ideas, and concepts are in alignment with our deepest soul's fulfillment. We can ground the energy or concept by adding energy to it and bringing the energy of it into our root chakra and even through our feet anchoring this to the earth. When you feel ready follow your soul's inspired action. When you use this energy to act you are confirming that you are confident in yourself and in what you are creating. At this stage it's imperative to not express your ideas to people who add doubt to your concepts and ideas. We are co-creator's and if someone isn't adding inspirational, expansive energy then the energy is contracting or creating a block. As you add energy to what you manifest it begins to become more solid in this reality. As people add energy by buying your product or service be thankful this confirms what you are doing to the reality. Keep going.

Doing But Getting No-Where...

When you are doing but getting no where and inspiration is running dry it's time to take a break and go back to the yin energy. The yin energy is where structure is created and where things get set up for the manifestation to come fourth. This is why if you look at this symbol there is some of the yin energy in the yang energy and some of the yang energy in the yin energy. You can do in the yin realm to set up a greater manifestation. Being directed to contact certain individuals, create an article or video, or another way to set up a structure. 

Honoring Cycles 

When we honor cycles we learn to work in a greater way with the yin and yang energy. As the two energies are in a circle they flow one into the other. As we connect with these energies we learn to honor cycles and this cycles give us an indication of where we are presently. Question how you feel and go to your inner/higher self and ask the question what is the best course of action or alignment for me at this time. The answer will come. 

I speak more about honoring cycles and go deeper into the symbolism of the line separating the yin and yang energies on patreon. You can join PATREON HERE