Thursday, November 12, 2020

11/11 Portal Energies: Set Yourself Up For The Win


The 11 11 Portal of 2020 is Sublime in Nature... 

If you have been tired all day (I'm wiring this at 9pm on the 11th lol... and finishing it on the 12th wheww) the energy has been heavier than normal. I can't even say "heavy" but there has been an energetic shift and sometimes we sleep to actually assist in the spiritual realm with the shift in energy. Other times we sleep so our etheric and thus physical bodies can be aligned by the higher-self in order for greater ease moving forward. I personally felt slightly out of alignment early in the day (4pm lol). I think because I slept most of the day and was experiencing an energetic shift that made me feel like I was dream walking even when I am fully awake.   

In order that I didn't feel out of alignment for too long I actually just let go of the strangeness of it all and allowed myself to flow with it. I did a clearing meditation and felt a huge energy enter the crown chakra. After I laid down and emptied my root chakra, sacral, and solar plexus. After which I simply added energy from the primordial Don Tien and heart chakra portal. In order to make the new energetic alignment easier and make room for the energy that entered the body through the crown. The energy that entered the crown felt like more of the higher self having the ability to enter the body with ease. 

Moving on let's talk a little astrology...

I, by no means would consider myself an "astrologer" but when I am called, I pay attention to the planets. Today Nov, 12th we have a major alignment with Pluto conjunct Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn. In the image of this blog post I used the Devil Card to represent Capricorn because this is the card that represents Capricorn in Tarot. This is the sign that deals with the material world and restriction. This is why this energy has been traditionally dubbed "the devil". Capricorn's ruling planet is Saturn. Saturn deal's with practicality and boundaries, we can let this energy rule our lives or we can choose to become the masters of this energy. If you can learn to work with Saturn's energy in a productive way you'll find that this planet has a lot to offer in terms of setting strong boundaries, creating wealth through structure/systems, and remaining grounded. Saturn only becomes "The Devil" because it whoops Ass, for lack of a better term. When we refuse to let go of childish ways and deal with the "real world" Saturn gives us structure; helping us to clear away old trauma and programming that has been holding us back. 

Pluto is called the "death planet" and Jupiter is known as the planet of "luck". When these are conjunct in Capricorn we can expect that the energy is open for long term manifestations to come through in a quickening. Since Pluto is conjunct Jupiter, the best way to use this alignment is to set the intention that anything that is no longer for you is cleared away and released. You can even release the energy in a ritual or meditation. I did this myself yesterday, as spirit directed me to do. Jupiter "the planet of luck and expansion" can be used to charge and open possibilities for what we want to create moving forward. 

When working in alignment with Jupiter it's important to have structure (created with Saturn or Capricorn) to channel the energy in to. We will want to take time to really feel into the energies we want to see manifesting in the next decade. How do you want your life to look moving forward? Once you have the structure, use the energy of luck, expansion, growth, harmony, alignment, and divine love to send energy into your structure making it alive. You can feel into your heart chakra energy and bring your soul's energy through to charge your structure, intentions and any sigils perhaps for manifestation. 

Using Quartz Crystal in Ritual

You can use clear quartz to charge your manifestations, rituals, and amplify your mediations. This crystal works well with Jupiter's energy. The end of the Jupiter Pluto conjunct are energies that will amplify your attitude especially when clear quartz is used in ritual or meditation. You'll want to keep a positive heart based perspective. Letting go and clearing any anxiety, stress, or negativity before moving forward.  

This alignment is special in that is hasn't taken place for thousands of years and won't happen again for another thousand years. This is a perfect alignment for us to prepare to move forward with power and in purpose. This is the perfect moment in time to GET PREPARED!  

Mars is coming out of Retrograde! 

Mars is set to come out of retrograde November 13th/ 14th. This means all the energy we have been realigning since September we will really want to get a running start! This will give us the energy and passion to move forward and putting in real world action behind the intentions and structures we have set in our lives. Manifesting our plans in the reality with passion!   

In Review

  • Use Pluto to Clear Old Energies That No Longer Serve You
  • Use Capricorn To Create Structure For Future Manifestations (like creating streams of income) You can even do this spiritually with A Sigil System, Candle Magick, Setting Up Your Alter and More! I personally like to mix my spiritual work with what I'm manifesting in the physical. So I set up physical channels and use my magick to charge them
  • Use Jupiter To Expand And Add Energy To Your Tangible Structure & Spiritual Practice. This opens the mind and heart for making the world your oyster. 

You've Got The Juice NOW!

Now that you know how to use these energies I encourage you to do so with passion and excitement. No matter what the rest of the world is going through any time you choose your heart and soul purpose the way is opened for you. You have got the Power now to create exactly what it is you desire. 

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