Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Welcome to the Golden Age: Time of the 6th Sun (May 26th Lunar Eclipse)

May 26th, 2021 may seem like a normal day, however it has been brought to my attention that this is a day to celebrate. The Golden Age is beginning. While this energy began to come in since 2012 it will be more fully present at this time. The Aztec calendar is extremely accurate and channels I have gotten about the ancient Aztec people is that they are keepers of time. Many of us using this Gregorian calendar have been deceived into following a system that is not based on true time. True time is based on the movement of our heavenly bodies, planets, stars, and astrology in general. The ancient egyptians have a time when the earth is renewed, this is called first time. First time is when the earth mirrors the heavens perfectly. This would be monuments, trees, mountains etc, actually aligning with the stars and other heavenly bodies creating absolute divine alignment and perfection. 

What to Expect

As with many spiritual events, these take place over a period of time rather than all at once. There is this notion in many spiritual and "new age" communities that change happens instantly and that we will all be "saved" by some profound shift. 

First I would like to address the "savior" complex that is associated with this kind of thinking. While it is possible to "shift" instantly into different dimensions many individuals have not healed enough, built up enough spiritual energy and/or have cultivated a strong enough will to do this. This will not happen that way because source or what I call "the great mother" is so gentle she would not  have us go into such an arduous and spiritually mind-bending experience unless we were prepared for it. This does mean, however, that it will become significantly easier to "shift" and spiritual gifts will begin to awaken with more ease. 

Before we can enjoy the fruits of such a beautiful awakening we must be aware that any unhealed trauma, limiting thought patterns, beliefs and systems must be purged in order to make the body lighter energetically to match the higher frequency. In this way we can begin the process of deepening our connection to our own souls and enjoying the fruits of spiritual work. 

The Sun Cycles for the aztec calendar are in periods of 6,625 years for the short count and the long count which marks a new sun or age is in 26,500 year cycles. We are transitioning from the 5th sun, which was more external to the 6th Sun which is more internal. The internal aspect is more of a spiritual awareness or consciousness where we will learn ourselves and conncet deeper with others. While so much in the world has diverted our attention outward it's time to turn our attention inward in order to explore the greater spiritual awareness that exists within us. 

This is considered a "night" or "sleep" sun because it compels the individual to look within and connect with others on a deeper level. This is the return of the ancient wisdom that has long been hidden from the world. This is our inner-awakening. This is extremely exciting to me personally because it reminds me of the primordial essence on the other side of Da'ath in "the tree of knowledge" or the Qliphoth. The false "god" of this realm can only have a short period of dominion over the external. Which makes sense as to why "the powers that were '' are working so hard to turn humans into objects. If we stay in tune with our organic selves and souls there is no limit to what we can create here together as one family. This wisdom is extremely important, and this is why it has been hidden. If you knew who you are and what the power, wisdom and strength of your own soul could accomplish you wouldn't recognize the limits of this external realm. 

Lunar Eclipse May 26th, 2021

This lunar eclipse is in Sagittarius and has some very interesting aspects associated with a lot of chaos, disorder, and corruption. Which makes sense because this is the same day we are going into the 6th sun and will be dealing with some very chaotic energies. According to astrology king: 

The May 2021 full moon is square Jupiter which can cause a test of faith due to greed, excess and immorality. Mercury and Venus square Neptune adds confusion, deception, and vulnerability. Finally, lunar eclipse May 2021 joins some nasty stars between the Claws of the Scorpion that encourage deceit, crime, and disease.

 You can check the full post HERE While these aspects seem frightening to the novice spiritualist these are exactly the energies necessary to welcome in our age of enlightenment as we are dealing with primordial energies (prime meaning: first, original, first in order of time, chief principle, root, before). The tree of knowledge (Qliphoth) is the primal world that was created before and in fact is the energy the tree of life (Qabalah) is created from. This world is a reversal of original principles so what we see as profane here is divine on the more primordial aspects.

You'll want to save this picture and read it in order to understand why the chaotic energy is not harmful for primordial beings. Since we are switching from the "gods" of creation which are the newer and also weaker gods to the primoridal souls or "gods" running the planet again.

This is the energy we are going into, so do not be afraid channel this energy in a productive way. This energy for primordial beings when we immerse ourselves in it can feel like a form of divine maddness very similar to how the goddess "Khali" drunken with the blood of victory. This energy is destructive in the sense that is destroy's your humanity. This is divine ego death. You can't take your humanity with you when you the unbalanced ego into the deeper mysteries. You must let this go. Those of you that are primordial souls are "creature", you are "undefineable". These labels created by society and "the powers that were" are created to keep you from the wholeness that exists within you. These lables and artifical "confusion" is nothing compared to the primordial destruction ancient souls can unleash into this realm. Do not be afraid of this chaos embrace all of you and unify with the truth of yourself once again. We now have the opportunity to do this and we will have to face our shadow, heal, and destroy the false ego construct to channel the golden christos light of truth, which is in fact the set-horus energy. I will explain this deeper at another time. Just understand the "middle path" is all about wholeness and balance.