Beginning to Move Past Fear...
After months of consideration I have come to a space where I feel comfortable enough discussing this topic in full. What has been going on in the world and even within many so-called "spiritual" circles fear is present and pushed as a form of protection. Fear is not protection but disconnection and I will explain this more thoroughly here.
When we indulge in fear we are putting a block on actually feeling our true emotions. Fear of death is the main way that many of us are manipulated into going against our soul. When we go against our true emotions and soul we create a disconnection with our soul within our body; mainly in the heart chakra. The heart chakra is important because the soul emanates from the heart chakra into the body. If you want to reconnect with yourself in a deeper way facing your fear is going to be imperative. When you move past your fear, go slow. As you tune into your heart chakra in meditation or contemplation certain memories or emotions may come to the surface. Journaling may be a good tool to sort out how you are feeling and analyze where emotions are coming from. Journaling is is also effective when you want to discern where in your body you are feeling your past trauma come to the surface. Where you feel trauma in your body is actually where your cells are storing that trauma. Building the feeling of divine love and compassion in your body will help you to clear and purge this trauma. Get excited about the connection you are re-establishing with you soul and who you will be on the other side of your healing process.
Overcoming Fear of Death
Fear of death is pushed in the media and culture incessantly since we are children. You will have to change your relationship with death, understanding it as a natural cycle. Understanding as well that the soul does not die but rather transcends this reality. Those who have witnessed violent deaths or have had loved ones pass early on tend to have the most trauma around death.
Through meditation and contemplation I have been able to overcome the fear of death for the most part. I'm sure I have deeper levels to go but I can confidently say I am no longer afraid and don't feel as distraught when loved ones pass. Now when someone passes I will meditate and send the soul energy for their transition or set up an alter for them to ensure the soul has the healing and energy it needs to transcend peacefully. Also do not feel bad for crying and feeling loss when others pass. The feeling of grief is a testament to how much we have loved that soul while they were hear in the physical body. When you try and remain "strong" all you do is store those emotions of grief in the body and drag out the process causing issues spiritually, emotionally, and even physically later on. The oak tree will break when a storm comes that is strong, however the bamboo tree bends with the wind of the storm. Be flexible and loving with yourself when we have to weather emotional storms or traumatic events. Feeling is natural and the grieving process is also natural.
I personally did a meditation ritual one evening where I was lead by my ancestors to overcome the fear of death. I want to explain that here to you so you can understand more deeply how spiritual initiations work and how we can overcome the fear of death within ourselves. Long before this initiation happened when I was about 13 I was lead to think about death every night before I went to bed for about a month. I didn't dread this I found it rather interesting. I would dive into my mind in the darkness and feel my body tense up and fear over take me as I contemplated what death was. I was faced with my own mortality and the finite reality of my earthly existence. It took great courage to overcome these emotions and to keep going back until I was able to figure out what death meant to me. On the last night I had a breakthrough, it felt like within me a golden light poured out and I had clarity about this topic finally. What I became aware of was that my soul is infinite. We can understand this with our mind but until we feel it in our body and have even a spiritual experience we don't understand this concept intimately. As we contemplate death and heal our trauma we become closer and closer to the truth that is buried inside each of us.
Last year another initiation into overcoming the fear of death on a higher spiritual level was triggered. I was directed by my ancestors to light candles, sage and go into a meditation after having a spiritual bath to cleanse my aura. As I went into meditation I was all of a sudden at a bon fire at night with my ancestors. There was drumming and dancing we were all chatting happily. Then I was kidnapped (sort of lol) by the head shaman and buried alive. The head shaman could perform rituals such as these because he had the ability to remain connected to the soul of the initiate and could mitigate any potential danger. As I was in this grave covered with dirt I came face to face with the feminine spirit of death. She went into my body and shared her secrets with me energetically. I was soul traveling and once I had overcome the shaman pulled me from the grave and all my ancestors were in a state of joy for me. I came too from my meditation and felt just amazing that I was initiated deeper into the mystery of my immortal soul understanding intimately that although my physical body is limited my soul is not. I just felt so much joy and love at this accomplishment.
Mechanism of Fear
Fear is an agent of disconnection, while love draws in and draws together. Any law, action, or energy imposed upon you that causes separation and imposes its will upon you like an overbearing boss is an archonic energy and an agent of fear. Now sometimes inferiority comes from envy or jealously; these emotions all come from a feeling of lack and not understanding the gift of infinite love and acceptance we have within ourselves.
You will be able to understand when you are being manipulated by fear energetically by recognizing these signs:
- Feeling like you're being forced, coerced, or threatened into doing something you don't want to do. Usually some sort of "consequences" are used as a tool to instill fear into you so you "obey"
- When sharing your goals or individuality others who are agents of fear may try to place doubt within you or plainly say you can't do something trying to spread the fear that is inside of them to you
- Any being or energy that seeks to dominate another
- Any spiritualist, teacher, or person that makes it seem like you have to go to them for all the answers instead of teaching you how to tune into things yourself/ doesn't encourage you to come up with your own unique perspective
- Any energy, person or organization that takes away or minimizes your independence or independent thought (a lot of times these kinds of energies will try and impose group think)
- Sharing problems in the world or in life without sharing any solutions. A lot of so called "woke" individuals or "spiritual teachers" induce a fear mind-state without showing you any solutions
- Agents of fear will us manipulated data or information to try and assert their dominance without encouraging you to do your own research
- Agents of fear will make fun of or try to find ways to silence anyone who has a different point of view
- Lastly, you'll feel it in your body when the energy is off or when you're being manipulated so it's important to remain aware of how your body feels & what emotions are rising up in you and why. This will tell you everything you need to know.
Summing It Up!
Now that we have explored how fear is used to manipulate individuals we can explore what fear actually does and why I call it a non-emotion. Fear is a non-emotion because it shuts down the ability to tune into real emotions. Notice when you are in a state of fear your mind doesn't work in a cohesive way. You feel panicked, make mistakes, and may begin to overthink about all these "bad" scenarios, instead of calming down and coming up with solutions. Fear shuts down and creates a frozen stagnant state within the self. Fear actually makes us avoid our true emotions holding them back like a dam until these emotions explode forward out of control. Emotion metaphysically is energy in motion. Anything that stops us from acknowledging our true emotions and moving through them is detrimental to our spiritual, mental & emotional health. I implore you to just think back to a time when you were afraid and notice your response to that fear. Notice how it froze you, gave you anxiety, and made you think about the worst happening. What happened when you moved past that fear? Was there a solution that became apparent, was the reality as bad as you thought when you faced that fear?
Some will say fear helps us acknowledge when we are in dangerous situations. While it is a function of the ego to protect our life and keep us aware of any dangers. Being aware and being frozen in fear are two different things. When I've been in dangerous situations I don't respond by freezing, I've responded in the past by becoming extremely calm and focusing on the solution. When fear was imposed upon me over long periods of time by others that was what I found most stressful. Over time I learned to become extremely calm and come up with a strategy moving forward, ignoring how other people would talk to me and try to instill fear in me daily. This takes a lot of inner-strength so remember your soul and continue to develop spiritually. You are a creator being and seeing what you don't want in life will motivate you towards what you do want in life. What you know you deserve. Use any situation you want to move out of as motivation. You only know what's truly inside of you, unleash the strength, joy and love inside of you. I've seen people overcome insurmountable circumstances. If one person can overcome any single one of us can and if no one believes in you believe in yourself first and foremost.