Saturday, September 25, 2021

Cultivating Ultimate Willpower

Willpower may seem in the realm of "self-help", however many spiritualists struggle with staying on track. We all go through healing and personal situations. Those who are on their spiritual path have another dynamic to contend with. This other dynamic includes not only emotional healing, but ascension symptoms which can be quite debilitating along with balancing normal life activities. 

No matter where you are in life if you are aspiring achieve more on your path and stay in alignment limiting distractions is important. You may have to start saying NO sometimes when you have something else that needs addressing. Being aware of what your long term goals are and breaking them down into smaller more manageable goals (baby steps) lol. 

On a spiritual level you do have non-physical entities that will come through others around you that are more unconscious. You'll notice these people will try and offer you what you desire at first. Whether you want a break and to "party" or go shopping, or go out to dinner, they'll even offer to pay or find a way to paint a picture that is more alluring. This is why controlling your desires and being aware of what you want the most is more important. 

The next stage once you decline whatever the unconscious or unaware being is offering then other things may happen to create distractions. You may notice for example; when you're meditating they may start making loud noises, you'll be on a call and they'll start banging or come to talk to you, and any number of uncomfortable situations. They may become more nasty and start putting you down or talking down to you and making demands in extreme cases. Just hold your frequency and do what you can to make yourself stay in alignment with yourself. You may feel even days where you are strangely tired or your energy is drained because these non-physical entities or archons operate as parasites and look to drain you energetically. You may at that stage needs to take steps to protect yourself energetically, meditate, do a reversal ritual and/or take a spiritual bath (or shower) to clear and protect your energy. 

Finding Your Most Natural Energetic State 
Many times the distractions on social media and in the reality in general is designed to pull your energy/attention away from yourself.  Part of the process is to daily re-center your energy on yourself. It will be important to discern what your most natural energetic state is. Going back in your memory to a time or a day when you felt most like yourself is important here. 

Your most natural state may be: joyful, goofy, quiet, relaxed and/or anything else. Just go back and remember how that felt. Everyday work on re-centering yourself into that energy. You may have to spend a portion of the day doing art, meditating, going for a walk/exercising, listening to uplifting music etc. Do not get so into this part of the day that your procrastinate the day away. The purpose is only to re-center your energy on yourself. Then go about your day as productive as possible and as in alignment as you can be for your own spiritual path. 

These steps will help you stay in alignment and cultivate your own personal ultimate willpower. Be loving to yourself and focus on yourself from a space of divine love. 

This is a FREE worksheet you can do once a day to help keep you in alignment with your ultimate willpower.   

Ultimate Willpower Worksheet

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Oh My Soul: The Devourer


Backwards Spirituality

There are levels or stages to our awakening. The reason I am starting with the topic of backwards spirituality is because what many are calling "spiritual practice" is truly thinly veiled egoism & religionism. I am "right" and you are "wrong" mentality is what will typically stunt spiritual growth. Being the observer and constantly looking to learn is a trait of the wise. The wise are aware that they don't hold all perspectives and observe, as well as, listen before giving opinions. Others may have referred to me as wise, however, I see myself as an explorer or one who is constantly learning. 

Since spirituality has become popularized in recent years the mind control & fear has become more apparent. The soul doesn't know fear because it does not fear death. The ego or "personality" fears non-existence because it knows inherently it does not exist. Each soul is a unique aspect of a larger whole. Our personality is constructed over time based on "experience" and perception given to us by the reality around us. When we tune into our soul it may be a stark contrast to the actual reality. The is why Isis or Auset says "no one has lifted my veil & seen my face". You have not lifted the veil around your own soul to see yourself. While it is beneficial for all individuals to question the nature of reality and engage in spiritual practice, it is counter productive to assume you know all where you are; instead of remaining open to new-wisdom as an explorer. When we look for a leader instead of leading ourselves and don't remain open to learning from others we become stagnate and ridged. There is a balance between being fluid & grounded, being earth and air, learning to also flow in between worlds like water and forge new paths like fire. 

Oh My Soul: The Devourer 

In our spiritual practice as we evolve and grow we come across many crossroads. Often times we are faced with remaining comfortable in what we are used to or taking the road less traveled. The road less traveled is often times where the most growth is required, however, it's a hard choice to leave what we know for the unknown. Taking the path that leads to the unknown requires us to sacrifice the comfort of what we already know.

A few weeks ago I started having visions and dreams of my own soul but she seemed like a demoness or a devourer. I felt like she was coming after me to devour me and I was confused as to why this was happening. I have always trusted my soul because she has always lead me with compassion. So this level of aggression was unsettling. I, however, decided to not freak out or give into fear but rather to become the observer. So I observed this new energy coming to me. This is an unveiling of my own soul. Going beyond separate dimensions, separate realities, what is considered "evil" & what is considered "good". Instead perceiving compassion exists for all beings regardless of "levels", identity, and war like separation. It's not us versus them it's only US. 

So as my soul came to me over the period of a few weeks I just observed these dreams and finally was faced with the devourer aspect of my own soul. I sacrificed an aspect of my identity or personality. That indeed was constructed in this reality and for this reality. In order to give my soul more space to exist in part in my body and beyond. Astrology gives us great insight into our personality construct. I call this a "personality construct" because the personality is only a tool to navigate this reality and nothing more. The gnostics looked at the planets as the original "archons" and us being under the influence of these entities was looked at as wicked. The planets are not wicked but represent a divine order and give us a path for self-actualization as a sovereign soul. We can look into the 12 labors of Zeus, which also represents the zodiac, as a mythology of us becoming our own hero. As we conquer the lower aspects of the zodiac we become our own hero and become free. Truly sovereign.    

Do Not Give Into Fear

As the energy on the planet shifts many of us are being faced with our souls as our devourer and are going through a dark night of the soul. The dark night of the soul is when we are faced with the aspects of ourselves we try to hide from or ignore. It could be pain from our childhood, inherent anger, pain, depression ect. These aspects must be released so we can connect with our own soul on a deeper level. We sacrifice this energy that blocks us, places blame on others, shuts down our ability to feel divine love on the alter of the soul. Asking our soul to compassionately devour that which does not belong to us any longer. 

The Truth of  This Reality

Look all around you, everything in this reality consumes something. The leaves fall away in Autumn, decay and nourish the tree it once belonged to. The animals consume each other & plants. Plants consume water and air. We all consume the air and water. Honoring these cycles and being in a vibration of appreciation and divine love the process becomes one of compassion. In the bible Jesus said of the bread "this is my body, take this and eat in remembrance of me."  He said the same about the wine turning it to his blood. On a lower level this has been perverted and is mock cannibalism. On a higher level this is an allegory about sacrificing our energy not for ourselves but for others. When we are spent and depleted we find the truth within ourselves, it's the unveiling of the true essence of our soul. We learn we are not here for ourselves but for others, for each other. 

When we balance this perspective we learn to balance sacrifice with our willpower. There is nothing in this illusion that is here for you other that spiritual essence & other souls. When we can see the divine within ourselves, in what is decay and morose, we begin to see with the eyes of the divine and recognize the divinity in everything around us. No longer offended, full of hate or full of sadness. We become the golden Christ light and the devouring darkness all at once. Absolving all paradoxes and becoming the whole, true self.  

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Overcoming Fear & Tuning Into The Divine You


Beginning to Move Past Fear...

After months of consideration I have come to a space where I feel comfortable enough discussing this topic in full. What has been going on in the world and even within many so-called "spiritual" circles fear is present and pushed as a form of protection. Fear is not protection but disconnection and I will explain this more thoroughly here. 

When we indulge in fear we are putting a block on actually feeling our true emotions. Fear of death is the main way that many of us are manipulated into going against our soul. When we go against our true emotions and soul we create a disconnection with our soul within our body; mainly in the heart chakra. The heart chakra is important because the soul emanates from the heart chakra into the body. If you want to reconnect with yourself in a deeper way facing your fear is going to be imperative. When you move past your fear, go slow. As you tune into your heart chakra in meditation or contemplation certain memories or emotions may come to the surface. Journaling may be a good tool to sort out how you are feeling and analyze where emotions are coming from. Journaling is is also effective when you want to discern where in your body you are feeling your past trauma come to the surface. Where you feel trauma in your body is actually where your cells are storing that trauma. Building the feeling of divine love and compassion in your body will help you to clear and purge this trauma. Get excited about the connection you are re-establishing with you soul and who you will be on the other side of your healing process. 

Overcoming Fear of Death

Fear of death is pushed in the media and culture incessantly since we are children. You will have to change your relationship with death, understanding it as a natural cycle. Understanding as well that the soul does not die but rather transcends this reality. Those who have witnessed violent deaths or have had loved ones pass early on tend to have the most trauma around death. 

Through meditation and contemplation I have been able to overcome the fear of death for the most part. I'm sure I have deeper levels to go but I can confidently say I am no longer afraid and don't feel as distraught when loved ones pass. Now when someone passes I will meditate and send the soul energy for their transition or set up an alter for them to ensure the soul has the healing and energy it needs to transcend peacefully. Also do not feel bad for crying and feeling loss when others pass. The feeling of grief is a testament to how much we have loved that soul while they were hear in the physical body. When you try and remain "strong" all you do is store those emotions of grief in the body and drag out the process causing issues spiritually, emotionally, and even physically later on. The oak tree will break when a storm comes that is strong, however the bamboo tree bends with the wind of the storm. Be flexible and loving with yourself when we have to weather emotional storms or traumatic events. Feeling is natural and the grieving process is also natural.   

I personally did a meditation ritual one evening where I was lead by my ancestors to overcome the fear of death. I want to explain that here to you so you can understand more deeply how spiritual initiations work and how we can overcome the fear of death within ourselves. Long before this initiation happened when I was about 13 I was lead to think about death every night before I went to bed for about a month. I didn't dread this I found it rather interesting. I would dive into my mind in the darkness and feel my body tense up and fear over take me as I contemplated what death was. I was faced with my own mortality and the finite reality of my earthly existence. It took great courage to overcome these emotions and to keep going back until I was able to figure out what death meant to me. On the last night I had a breakthrough, it felt like within me a golden light poured out and I had clarity about this topic finally. What I became aware of was that my soul is infinite. We can understand this with our mind but until we feel it in our body and have even a spiritual experience we don't understand this concept intimately. As we contemplate death and heal our trauma we become closer and closer to the truth that is buried inside each of us. 

Last year another initiation into overcoming the fear of death on a higher spiritual level was triggered. I was directed by my ancestors to light candles, sage and go into a meditation after having a spiritual bath to cleanse my aura. As I went into meditation I was all of a sudden at a bon fire at night with my ancestors. There was drumming and dancing we were all chatting happily. Then I was kidnapped (sort of lol) by the head shaman and buried alive. The head shaman could perform rituals such as these because he had the ability to remain connected to the soul of the initiate and could mitigate any potential danger. As I was in this grave covered with dirt I came face to face with the feminine spirit of death. She went into my body and shared her secrets with me energetically. I was soul traveling and once I had overcome the shaman pulled me from the grave and all my ancestors were in a state of joy for me. I came too from my meditation and felt just amazing that I was initiated deeper into the mystery of my immortal soul understanding intimately that although my physical body is limited my soul is not. I just felt so much joy and love at this accomplishment. 

Mechanism of Fear

Fear is an agent of disconnection, while love draws in and draws together. Any law, action, or energy imposed upon you that causes separation and imposes its will upon you like an overbearing boss is an archonic energy and an agent of fear. Now sometimes inferiority comes from envy or jealously; these emotions all come from a feeling of lack and not understanding the gift of infinite love and acceptance we have within ourselves. 

You will be able to understand when you are being manipulated by fear energetically by recognizing these signs: 

  • Feeling like you're being forced, coerced, or threatened into doing something you don't want to do. Usually some sort of  "consequences" are used as a tool to instill fear into you so you "obey" 
  • When sharing your goals or individuality others who are agents of fear may try to place doubt within you or plainly say you can't do something trying to spread the fear that is inside of them to you 
  • Any being or energy that seeks to dominate another 
  • Any spiritualist, teacher, or person that makes it seem like you have to go to them for all the answers instead of teaching you how to tune into things yourself/ doesn't encourage you to come up with your own unique perspective 
  • Any energy, person or organization that takes away or minimizes your independence or independent thought (a lot of times these kinds of energies will try and impose group think)   
  • Sharing problems in the world or in life without sharing any solutions. A lot of so called "woke" individuals or "spiritual teachers" induce a fear mind-state without showing you any solutions 
  • Agents of fear will us manipulated data or information to try and assert their dominance without encouraging you to do your own research 
  • Agents of fear will make fun of or try to find ways to silence anyone who has a different point of view
  • Lastly, you'll feel it in your body when the energy is off or when you're being manipulated so it's important to remain aware of how your body feels & what emotions are rising up in you and why. This will tell you everything you need to know. 
Be courageous and choose your soul, choose divine love over the manipulation of those who want to control others. Remember who you are and remember you have the most precious gift within yourself and it's called your soul. Cleave to your soul and expand your consciousness. 

Summing It Up!  

Now that we have explored how fear is used to manipulate individuals we can explore what fear actually does and why I call it a non-emotion. Fear is a non-emotion because it shuts down the ability to tune into real emotions. Notice when you are in a state of fear your mind doesn't work in a cohesive way. You feel panicked, make mistakes, and may begin to overthink about all these "bad" scenarios, instead of calming down and coming up with solutions. Fear shuts down and creates a frozen stagnant state within the self. Fear actually makes us avoid our true emotions holding them back like a dam until these emotions explode forward out of control. Emotion metaphysically is energy in motion. Anything that stops us from acknowledging our true emotions and moving through them is detrimental to our spiritual, mental & emotional health. I implore you to just think back to a time when you were afraid and notice your response to that fear. Notice how it froze you, gave you anxiety, and made you think about the worst happening. What happened when you moved past that fear? Was there a solution that became apparent, was the reality as bad as you thought when you faced that fear? 

Some will say fear helps us acknowledge when we are in dangerous situations. While it is a function of the ego to protect our life and keep us aware of any dangers. Being aware and being frozen in fear are two different things. When I've been in dangerous situations I don't respond by freezing, I've responded in the past by becoming extremely calm and focusing on the solution. When fear was imposed upon me over long periods of time by others that was what I found most stressful. Over time I learned to become extremely calm and come up with a strategy moving forward, ignoring how other people would talk to me and try to instill fear in me daily. This takes a lot of inner-strength so remember your soul and continue to develop spiritually. You are a creator being and seeing what you don't want in life will motivate you towards what you do want in life. What you know you deserve. Use any situation you want to move out of as motivation. You only know what's truly inside of you, unleash the strength, joy and love inside of you. I've seen people overcome insurmountable circumstances. If one person can overcome any single one of us can and if no one believes in you believe in yourself first and foremost.    

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Signs of Possession & How to Reclaim Your Soul


Who You Really Are! 

Possession is such a morose topic which is why this inspiring image is placed above as a reminder of your divine infinite self. You exist as an infinite, beautiful, and compassionate being filled with Joy! It is always up to you to choose your joy over the lesser energies of human existence. It is in the hardest times we experience that we become aware of the quality of our soul. A small example of this personally is when a few years back I found myself stranded in Harlem, NY. The train schedule had changed and I would be stuck there until the next day. I was distraught, feeling alone, and walking around aimlessly feeling bad for myself. I didn't have enough money to get an uber or taxi home and in that moment I saw not the opportunities around me only the pain of my situation. Then I decided to build into my energy body the feeling of an opening, a way, hope. I felt within myself love and compassion and all of a sudden; although I was still walking alone, I felt joy and I didn't feel alone anymore. I thanked my higher self and spirit guides for their comfort. Then I had an idea and posted on social media asking if anyone was near Harlem. Someone answered the post I messaged them and ended up getting a ride home. Feeling relieved. Even though this is a small example I changed my perception and subsequently changed my outcome. 

Now what happens when we suffer for years, feeling drained and depleted, unfocused and unloved? The process  is a bit longer typically, however, when we focus not on time but on our goal we can work towards the lifestyle we desire every day. I am no stranger to suffering, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, hunger pangs, and daily spiritual attacks. However, I never acknowledged myself as a victim, I chose to be an "overcomer" a "victor". I believed that I could change my circumstances but I didn't look outside of myself or cleave to others to solve my problems. Eventually, I stopped even talking about my problems and began speaking inspiration into my life and only focused on what I could do with what I had at that moment. I may not have had money, but I had skills I could make money with. I may not have had the ability to travel but I had the internet. It was through the seeking of what I could do that enabled the transformation of my lifestyle. This lifestyle that is continuously evolving as I refine and uncover my more perfected self. 

Signs of Possession

I wanted to remind you of who you are in a powerful way in order to assist in fortifying your aura & inner strength before we dive into this topic. I began understanding that something was out of place with those around me the more I would meditate and stayed in alignment with my spiritual path and soul. Our family members and friends are closest to us early on and these are initially the first people we begin to notice disturbances in. It is common that as an individual begins to awaken to their own soul opposition is experienced. This opposition seeks to disconnect you from your soul in order to make you betray your personal truth over and over again. Each time we do what we feel is wrong or out of alignment for us we disconnect ourselves from our soul and draw ourselves closer to the darkness of humanity. This weakens our aura and creates within ourselves a disconnection from our true selves. We begin to feel empty and desperate to find anything in the outside world that makes us feel whole even for a moment. Chasing exterior illusion after illusion in the hopes that the feeling of wholeness will exist for longer than a moment. Again and again we are deceived. If we are truly loved by our higher self, what one would perceive as god or have loving spirit guides we will hit a "rock bottom". In this space of truly feeling the emptiness within we have the opportunity to re-establish a connection to the spark that is our soul. If we are wise we will cry out acknowledging the pain of deception and cleave only to our soul no longer giving ourselves over to deception. We may have moments in life where we must re-establish this connection and it's okay, forgive yourself and move forward with power once again.  

When I began to notice some family members and others had wicked attachments or were empty vessels for the opposite of what soul is or what some scholars call archons it was startling. I didn't talk to anyone about what I was seeing at first, I would just observe until I could figure out how to fight these beings and protect myself spiritually. Then one day I heard a video that made me aware of the power of language and chanting in order to remove entities. This spiritual teacher spoke with such power that in that moment I felt my body releasing minor attachments and felt so much better afterward. Even more in-tune with myself. I began purging any attachments on myself first and learned about regular energetic cleansing during meditation and with spiritual baths twice a week. I started my spiritual business a few months after this, as I was directed by spirit.     

Signs of Possession Within the Self
  • Intrusive thoughts that make you feel like a "bad person" 
    • What you can do about it: Claim sovereignty over your mind say "you do not consent to these thoughts" and demand that any spirits or entities sending these thoughts leave now! You can use the violet flame or go to a spiritual practitioner you trust to remove any attachments. You can do a head cleansing with sea salt and lemon juice.    
  • Intrusive Sexual Imagery, Sexually Perverse Imagery, Sexually Intrusive Dreams, Nightmares, Violent Dreams, Violent Thoughts/ Images, and Increasing Sexual Impulses that are of a lower nature. 
    • What you can do about it: You'll want to stop watching porn because attachments come often through this imagery, you can ween yourself off it if need be. Meditate feeling into your heart chakra allowing yourself to feel love within your body. You can do a divine love spiritual bath using Epsom salts, sea salt, rose water/oils, and rose petals. You will need to heal any sexual imbalances or trauma in the lower chakras (mainly the root chakra and sacral chakra). You can begin to journal about how these thoughts make you feel, where they may come from, and write out what a loving sexual connection would feel like to you. Claim sovereignty over yourself and demand these energies leave, re-affirming as often as you need to. 
  • Saying Something in the flow of conversation or saying something mean to someone. After you may say "Oh I don't know where that came from" or "I don't know what came over me". This is not an attachment yet but the entity is trying to begin to influence you. We do have times we channel from the higher realms spiritually and those are natural and in no way oppressive to ourselves or others.  
    • What you can do about it: Remain aware of your thoughts. Do a head cleansing using the steps outlined above. Claim sovereignty over yourself and affirm that you do not consent to these thoughts. 
  • Feeling Unbalanced and Having Extremely Pessimistic Moods. A lot of times these entities will seek to isolate you making you think that "no one can understand you" and lulling you into a "victim mentality". When your moods and energy is effected you have the beginnings of a mild attachment. You may begin to blame others, become very angry, and become withdrawn or depressed. You may also experience not "feeling like yourself" Like any predatory energy these parasitic entities seek to make you feel alone. 
    • What you can do about it: When this occurs you will have to call on your inner-will power and inner-strength. First things first get out of bed, turn off the TV/ Social Media/ the internet and clean up your space, Literally wipe down the walls with bleach if you have to. Open the windows or turn on all the lights. Claim sovereignty over yourself and claim that you do not consent to this attachment. Sage yourself or meditate focusing on christ light which is golden. You may even want to take a spiritual bath after you have done some proactive activities. Create a routine of being proactive about your life and do something small everyday that is in alignment with your personal goals and truths. Stagnation is the enemy here.  
  • Feeling not in control of your thoughts (Experiencing Mind-Fog/Confusion) or actions. In this stage you are indeed possessed and the being is attempting to take over your body. You'll feel like something else takes over and you don't even know what you're doing. Those who have the gift of channeling are most at risk for this kind of possession. This is why when I channel I will meditate even quietly for a while first setting up a energetically protection barrier around me and being extremely discerning of any energy I channel. 
    • What you can do about it: In order to re-claim your energy begin to reconnect with divine love. Feel this feeling strongly in your body and allow the bliss of divine love to flood your body, pushing the entity out. You can meditate or visualize your body bathed in golden christ light. These entities have no connection to source or soul so this will begin to detach them from you. If you have any attachment purge them, demanding with your voice that they leave and claim sovereignty over yourself. Be sure to say "you do not consent to this attachment." Then press your hands together in a "prayer" pose and say "close all portals". You con continue to cleanse with spiritual baths, sage, etc. Remain vigilant and practice spiritual protection. 
There are activities and mind states that open you up for attachments & possession. Below I will list these so you can be sure to be aware when you need to balance these activities and thoughts in your life. You don't have to cut everything out just remain aware so you can remain in-alignment with your soul daily. Spiritually we can maintain balance, these things are not "bad" per-say just should be done in a balanced way, without overindulging. Also it will be important not to give yourself over to procrastination because it puts us in a state of stagnation. Take breaks when you need to and be gentle with yourself doing things everyday that keep you in alignment. 

Activities & Thought Forms That Can Open You Up To Possession
  • Watching Too Much Television
  • Scrolling Through Social Media 
  • Being on the Internet Aimlessly 
  • Gossiping Constantly 
  • Taking on a Victim Mentality 
  • Hating Others & The World Around You 
  • Overindulging in Alcohol or Other Substances
  • Opening the Crown Chakra Too Fast  
  • Believing Every Channel You Receive
  • Overindulging in Sexual Energy in its Lower Forms
  • Lying to Yourself 
  • Overindulging in Pessimism 
  • Overindulging in Optimism
  • Mindless Eating 
  • Not Taking Time to Meditate 
  • Ignoring Nature 
  • Overindulging in Plant Medicines 
This is by no means a complete list. Basically anything that takes you out of alignment with yourself is an activity you want to avoid or limit. Remember being too "spiritual" and "ungrounded" can be uncomfortable and induce a state of paranoia as well.  One of my guilty pleasures is "celebrity gossip". I tend to interpret everything through a lens of reading signs and understanding the deeper meaning even with celebrity gossip lol. It's a form of "play" for me. So don't judge yourself or others just remain in alignment and be yourself! Don't take life too seriously! Laugh a little. 

Signs of Possession Within Others
  • Sudden Changes in mood or attitudes especially in a negative way 
  • Being more withdrawn & depressed
  • Talking down to others in a really mean way 
  • Talking about how Life is Hopeless or "Sucks" Constantly 
  • Sleeping All the Time Suddenly 
  • Becoming Very Angry and/or Violent Suddenly 
  • Dominating Others and Making Them Feel Inferior 
  • When You Sage & They Start Coughing A Lot or Complaining It Stinks 
  • Becoming Irritated When You Are Positive or Happy 
  • Becoming Irritated or Leaving the Room Around Individuals Who Are Strongly Connected Spiritually 
  • Speaking Badly or Trying to Disconnect You From People Who Are Positive or A Good Influence 
  • Feeling a Shift in There Energy or Aura. This will give you a really bad feeling around this person and when you mention it they may try and make you think you're crazy 
  • Engaging in Narcissistic Behaviors, Gaslighting etc.
  • Engaging Deeply in a Fear-Based Consciousness 
  • Changes in Voice and Speaking Patterns Suddenly (not because of puberty or anything like that, this will be extremely jarring and sudden)
  • Doing Black Magic or claiming to talk to demons (now this isn't always bad it's part of some ppls spiritual journey to understand this aspect. However, a novice may have connected with an entity that is now controlling them) 
These are some basic signs of possession and you can do candle magic, energy work or hire a spiritual practitioner to get rid of the attachment. I personally have helped others release attachments from their loved ones and children. I remember I did energy work on a two year old that suddenly stopped talking and was staring in the corner all day. Right after I cleared her energy of the attachment the little girl began talking normally, laughing and didn't cry as much any more. 

I started noticing these signs in my family and I took steps to protect myself from them until I moved out. When people have attachments they aren't healing or clearing you will want to keep any or your future plans to yourself. These individuals will hate your individuality and passion about what you love. They will constantly put you down and add negative energy and disbelief to your plans. It's a crabs in the barrel mentality. They want to tear anyone down who dares to be different and isn't allowing themselves to be controlled by fear. I've had experiences where with my spiritual eye I knew a family member wasn't speaking but the entity was speaking through them. I did not allow myself to respond in an emotional way, I became the observer and when I spoke I spoke with power. 

These are examples of what I personally did to claim my sovereignty in the face of these entities. I did not get angry at the person I targeted the entity. The soul is pure don't be angry at the soul be angry and direct your energy at the attachment. 

Example #1

A family member began speaking down to me out of no where. I perceived the attachment and said to it (not them): "If you keep speaking to me that way I will do an exorcism and take your food away from you!" That family member actually stopped talking, turned around, and walked the body of my family member into their bedroom. This family member usually would make fun of stuff like this and he never said anything. This made me realize that the entity was in complete control in that moment not them. 

Example #2 

I woke up in the middle of the night to get a cup of water. A family member entered the kitchen and started arguing with me. They began threatening to hit me and were in my face. I was able to perceive the attachment and began chanting, "You will not touch me. You will not touch me. You will not touch me!" With every word I felt the force of my soul coming more and more into my body. That family member ended up turning around and walked away. 

Example #3

I was on a phone with an ex that had very deep emotional issues. These issues being unresolved made them susceptible to a high level entity attachment. I allowed them to purge and for house was meditating fortifying my aura as they spoke. The entity became more intrusive slowly chipping away at my aura, until I began to feel exhausted and felt my energy being syphoned. I hung up with them walked outside and asked my spirit guides for help. I received a vision of Archangel Michael fighting this entity on my behalf. He pushed it back and I felt better immediately. This taught me that it is important to remove ourselves from situations like this and call on our spirit team when needed. 

Moving Forward 

Always remember the power, compassion and love that exists within you. Do not allow the outside world to tempt you away from your soul. The most precious gift you have is your soul. This is why aspects of the physical world will try and tempt you away from your truth. If you weren't valuable, if your soul isn't valuable why does so much outside of you try to cloud your mind, manipulate you, and offer you what you desire most as a trade for your soul? Never betray yourself beloved, continue to be a seeker and don't allow anything to separate you from yourself and take away your self-confidence & self love.   

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Welcome to the Golden Age: Time of the 6th Sun (May 26th Lunar Eclipse)

May 26th, 2021 may seem like a normal day, however it has been brought to my attention that this is a day to celebrate. The Golden Age is beginning. While this energy began to come in since 2012 it will be more fully present at this time. The Aztec calendar is extremely accurate and channels I have gotten about the ancient Aztec people is that they are keepers of time. Many of us using this Gregorian calendar have been deceived into following a system that is not based on true time. True time is based on the movement of our heavenly bodies, planets, stars, and astrology in general. The ancient egyptians have a time when the earth is renewed, this is called first time. First time is when the earth mirrors the heavens perfectly. This would be monuments, trees, mountains etc, actually aligning with the stars and other heavenly bodies creating absolute divine alignment and perfection. 

What to Expect

As with many spiritual events, these take place over a period of time rather than all at once. There is this notion in many spiritual and "new age" communities that change happens instantly and that we will all be "saved" by some profound shift. 

First I would like to address the "savior" complex that is associated with this kind of thinking. While it is possible to "shift" instantly into different dimensions many individuals have not healed enough, built up enough spiritual energy and/or have cultivated a strong enough will to do this. This will not happen that way because source or what I call "the great mother" is so gentle she would not  have us go into such an arduous and spiritually mind-bending experience unless we were prepared for it. This does mean, however, that it will become significantly easier to "shift" and spiritual gifts will begin to awaken with more ease. 

Before we can enjoy the fruits of such a beautiful awakening we must be aware that any unhealed trauma, limiting thought patterns, beliefs and systems must be purged in order to make the body lighter energetically to match the higher frequency. In this way we can begin the process of deepening our connection to our own souls and enjoying the fruits of spiritual work. 

The Sun Cycles for the aztec calendar are in periods of 6,625 years for the short count and the long count which marks a new sun or age is in 26,500 year cycles. We are transitioning from the 5th sun, which was more external to the 6th Sun which is more internal. The internal aspect is more of a spiritual awareness or consciousness where we will learn ourselves and conncet deeper with others. While so much in the world has diverted our attention outward it's time to turn our attention inward in order to explore the greater spiritual awareness that exists within us. 

This is considered a "night" or "sleep" sun because it compels the individual to look within and connect with others on a deeper level. This is the return of the ancient wisdom that has long been hidden from the world. This is our inner-awakening. This is extremely exciting to me personally because it reminds me of the primordial essence on the other side of Da'ath in "the tree of knowledge" or the Qliphoth. The false "god" of this realm can only have a short period of dominion over the external. Which makes sense as to why "the powers that were '' are working so hard to turn humans into objects. If we stay in tune with our organic selves and souls there is no limit to what we can create here together as one family. This wisdom is extremely important, and this is why it has been hidden. If you knew who you are and what the power, wisdom and strength of your own soul could accomplish you wouldn't recognize the limits of this external realm. 

Lunar Eclipse May 26th, 2021

This lunar eclipse is in Sagittarius and has some very interesting aspects associated with a lot of chaos, disorder, and corruption. Which makes sense because this is the same day we are going into the 6th sun and will be dealing with some very chaotic energies. According to astrology king: 

The May 2021 full moon is square Jupiter which can cause a test of faith due to greed, excess and immorality. Mercury and Venus square Neptune adds confusion, deception, and vulnerability. Finally, lunar eclipse May 2021 joins some nasty stars between the Claws of the Scorpion that encourage deceit, crime, and disease.

 You can check the full post HERE While these aspects seem frightening to the novice spiritualist these are exactly the energies necessary to welcome in our age of enlightenment as we are dealing with primordial energies (prime meaning: first, original, first in order of time, chief principle, root, before). The tree of knowledge (Qliphoth) is the primal world that was created before and in fact is the energy the tree of life (Qabalah) is created from. This world is a reversal of original principles so what we see as profane here is divine on the more primordial aspects.

You'll want to save this picture and read it in order to understand why the chaotic energy is not harmful for primordial beings. Since we are switching from the "gods" of creation which are the newer and also weaker gods to the primoridal souls or "gods" running the planet again.

This is the energy we are going into, so do not be afraid channel this energy in a productive way. This energy for primordial beings when we immerse ourselves in it can feel like a form of divine maddness very similar to how the goddess "Khali" drunken with the blood of victory. This energy is destructive in the sense that is destroy's your humanity. This is divine ego death. You can't take your humanity with you when you the unbalanced ego into the deeper mysteries. You must let this go. Those of you that are primordial souls are "creature", you are "undefineable". These labels created by society and "the powers that were" are created to keep you from the wholeness that exists within you. These lables and artifical "confusion" is nothing compared to the primordial destruction ancient souls can unleash into this realm. Do not be afraid of this chaos embrace all of you and unify with the truth of yourself once again. We now have the opportunity to do this and we will have to face our shadow, heal, and destroy the false ego construct to channel the golden christos light of truth, which is in fact the set-horus energy. I will explain this deeper at another time. Just understand the "middle path" is all about wholeness and balance.