Saturday, September 25, 2021

Cultivating Ultimate Willpower

Willpower may seem in the realm of "self-help", however many spiritualists struggle with staying on track. We all go through healing and personal situations. Those who are on their spiritual path have another dynamic to contend with. This other dynamic includes not only emotional healing, but ascension symptoms which can be quite debilitating along with balancing normal life activities. 

No matter where you are in life if you are aspiring achieve more on your path and stay in alignment limiting distractions is important. You may have to start saying NO sometimes when you have something else that needs addressing. Being aware of what your long term goals are and breaking them down into smaller more manageable goals (baby steps) lol. 

On a spiritual level you do have non-physical entities that will come through others around you that are more unconscious. You'll notice these people will try and offer you what you desire at first. Whether you want a break and to "party" or go shopping, or go out to dinner, they'll even offer to pay or find a way to paint a picture that is more alluring. This is why controlling your desires and being aware of what you want the most is more important. 

The next stage once you decline whatever the unconscious or unaware being is offering then other things may happen to create distractions. You may notice for example; when you're meditating they may start making loud noises, you'll be on a call and they'll start banging or come to talk to you, and any number of uncomfortable situations. They may become more nasty and start putting you down or talking down to you and making demands in extreme cases. Just hold your frequency and do what you can to make yourself stay in alignment with yourself. You may feel even days where you are strangely tired or your energy is drained because these non-physical entities or archons operate as parasites and look to drain you energetically. You may at that stage needs to take steps to protect yourself energetically, meditate, do a reversal ritual and/or take a spiritual bath (or shower) to clear and protect your energy. 

Finding Your Most Natural Energetic State 
Many times the distractions on social media and in the reality in general is designed to pull your energy/attention away from yourself.  Part of the process is to daily re-center your energy on yourself. It will be important to discern what your most natural energetic state is. Going back in your memory to a time or a day when you felt most like yourself is important here. 

Your most natural state may be: joyful, goofy, quiet, relaxed and/or anything else. Just go back and remember how that felt. Everyday work on re-centering yourself into that energy. You may have to spend a portion of the day doing art, meditating, going for a walk/exercising, listening to uplifting music etc. Do not get so into this part of the day that your procrastinate the day away. The purpose is only to re-center your energy on yourself. Then go about your day as productive as possible and as in alignment as you can be for your own spiritual path. 

These steps will help you stay in alignment and cultivate your own personal ultimate willpower. Be loving to yourself and focus on yourself from a space of divine love. 

This is a FREE worksheet you can do once a day to help keep you in alignment with your ultimate willpower.   

Ultimate Willpower Worksheet

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