What many call "bad luck" is an opportunity for growth and change. Have you noticed more "crisis" moments and "bad luck" for yourself or those around you lately? This is because on 2/22/2022 Pluto returned to the USA. I don't believe the States will have a big "fall" like so many spiritualists and truthers are "predicting". This kind of talk comes from jaded individuals who are bias in their perspective. This is a messed-up system, and it has to change and is in fact changing. Complaining, acting self-righteous, and inducing fear will not do anything to change things but rather keep you spinning your wheels and never feeling beyond the 3d illusion. Feeling is the basis of spiritual truth. What is uncomfortable in the physical many times strengthens the soul and deepens one's ability to perceive things from a spiritual perspective. The USA has a 13 destiny, which doesn't indicate a fall but rather a huge shift. This destruction is more of an inner evolution, embrace it and make the changes necessary to begin to embody more of your spiritual energy. Change is uncomfortable and if you have been experiencing a hard time lately use your intuition and examine the areas of your life that need shifting. Life doesn't happen to you it happens through you and just as joy is temporary, pain is temporary do not become too wrapped up in either.
The End of Blame Shifting
It's healthy to acknowledge when friendships or relationships are over and move on without malice. Many individuals are still caught up in duality and are looking for someone to blame for their pain and "cut off" as a way to reclaim "power" they have never had and/or never lost. Nobody on earth has a complete manual about how life is supposed to go, we are here figuring it out. This realm of existence is the great equalizer and no matter how much you have it together in other realms and dimensions; you project a part of yourself here with amnesia, so you have an opportunity to uncover your own soul with a blank slate. Taking personal responsibility for yourself without blaming others for you having to do so is imperative to self-awareness. What I'm seeing increasingly is people shifting the blame to others and never taking personal responsibility. You can't run away from yourself all your life and Pluto is here to put an end to that, sit down and take a good long look at yourself and allow the uncovering to commence.
Using The Physical to Gauge the Spiritual is Dead!
This sub-heading may seem a little off putting, however this is something I have been contemplating deeply since Pluto return. In society we shun the expression of emotion, especially emotion we deem "undesirable" like rage and heart wrenching sadness. We look at couples or people arguing and judge them automatically calling the situation "toxic". We look at people going through a crisis moment or not having it all together as having karma or being "judged" by some higher power. This kind of thinking is the disease not the remedy. Life is NOT rainbows and sunshine; if it were the soul would never evolve.
Those who are loved by spirit tend to experience the most pain. Even if a very strong empath has a perfect life the pain they will feel in their heart for others will be unsurpassed. It is the pain that teaches us the harshness of the reality and sets the stage for true soul evolution.
Why does the lotus bloom in muddy waters? I have to speak a little bit about using the physical to gauge another person's karma. I hate to break it to you, but karma doesn't exist the way many people are using the term. Karma is merely the universal law of cause and effect. Many individuals are using the concept of karma and what someone has in the physical as an apparatus to deem how "powerful" or worthy someone is spiritually. This reality is merely a light show, it's a beautiful light show but it is merely projection. Since this is the case does it make sense to judge a soul based on a limited reality? It is folly and foolishness. Therefore, I would suggest ending judgement of the self and others. Live with a loving heart and cut through the projection, "triggers", and "what someone looks like" in order to seek deeper understanding of spiritual wisdom. On a side note: what someone looks like includes emotional expression that many deem as "crazy", "angry" or "intolerable". If you feel behind the energy instead of getting triggered, you will come to a deeper understanding of yourself and others.
Bad Luck is Just Old Energy Clearing
If you're one of the lucky ones the Pluto Return to the USA has been a bit challenging for you. This is okay as Pluto is Scorpio's ruler. Scorpio is also represented by the death card in tarot. This is not just endings, but it is inevitable endings and new beginnings. I can spend my time looking deep within myself and trying to perfect myself, if another is not there to be a mirror for me, I'll never change and grow. This goes for us being a mirror for others as well. This time will bring endings to associations, friendships, and relationships that are stagnant and dead. These endings aren't always easy and even the new beginnings aren't the easiest to deal with. However, this energy brings with it great opportunities for huge shifts. Remember don't look at individuals for what they are going through at this time as this is a huge "test" for everyone. Instead focus on yourself and on clearing your own energy and making those big leaps forward.