The Sacred Art of Tarot
My first deck was actually the Chakra Oracle Card Deck. I had no idea about cards or how to read them I was in my local spiritual shop and something draw me to these cards so I bought them. Instantly I fell in love. I already was channeling through writing and scrying. This was the next step. I started pulling cards for everyone in my family and for friends as often as I could. Tarot is considered one of the 4 Royal Arts. The other three are Numerology, Astrology, and Psychic Development or being an "oracle". When I bought my first Tarot Deck things got interesting. I was doing readings for myself every day and studying the meanings of the cards based on my intuition every day. Before I bought my first tarot deck I was doing chakra readings, cord-cutting ceremonies, and intuitive reading through channeling. Once I bought the tarot deck and understood what the cards mean and how to use them I was able to channel messages directly through the cards.
Meditation is the first module of my master class. Meditation allows us to tap into the self and come into a space of alignment. There is more than one way to get into a flow state. The flow state is something that many athletes experience. This is an intense focus that creates a mediative state. You can do a walking meditation if you find it difficult to sit still and concentrate. I usually will put on meditation music and allow my mind to relax as I walk. As you relax into the rhythm of your body you will create a flow state and the world will begin to open up to you. You may begin to see trees, stars, and even people differently. You can even begin to see auras and feel more intensely. This is what it is to truly tap in.
Your Emotional Compass
Writing down your dreams in the morning or focusing on the feeling of your dreams when you wake up will help you tap in as well. If you're having trouble remembering dreams, once again, you can tap in through feeling into your dreams. Understanding your emotions is pivotal for your personal development. So much in our lives leads to us suppressing and repressing our emotions, then we have a tower moment or major blow up at some point. This is because we were trying to make it all work while being out of alignment with the divine in ourselves. The emotions can be likened to a compass and they point us in the direction that is best for us. Listen to yourself and how you actually feel not how you're supposed to feel based on other people's perceptions. Understanding this also assists you in achieving clarity when reading your tarot cards.
Energy Body Clarity
Saging your space, taking saltwater baths, and cleaning out your body with fasting and certain teas can assist in clearing the energetic body. On a side note when you sage keep the windows closed to absorb negative energy and then open the windows and allow the energy to clear out. Once your space is clear you can set the energy you want by charging certain oils (put them on the stove in a pot of water and let them boil out for a little while), burning in-cents or using florida water.
You can learn a little about the chakras and use singing bowls or meditation music you resonate with to slowly tap into your body through meditation. You can start at your feet and move up your body breathing through any areas where the energy feels kinda slow or blocked. I do this every day and I have the most sluggish days when I do this in the afternoon or wait to do my meditation. First thing in the morning is the best time to do this from what I've found personally.
Breaking Down The Meanings of The Cards
Tarot is complex and I will make this post the first in a series so you can really get to a space of understanding how to use tarot. Tarot is a divination system that first and foremost assists you by helping you understand where you are energetically (which translates to the physical reality). This assists you in seeing where you are going in order to rectify certain energies and create greater alignment with your higher self and your personal destiny.
Tarot encompasses archetypal energy, astrology, and numerology. This is a method for reading the divine mind. The different tarot card spreads help to channel the energy. One example is a three-card spread. Position 1 would be the past, position 2 would be the present and position 3 would be the future. You can create your own spreads and card patterns for your own readings. This is beneficial because your spirit divines in its own way and creating your own system for divining will bring you greater clarity for your readings. I personally will pull cards as a stream of consciousness so I don't actually use card patterns but instead organize the chaos. I just intuitively know which cards go together and what the themes are. This skill has been developed through ten years of meditation and a continual spiritual practice since I was a child, even when I didn't realize it. Since we are and have been in a quickening you may not need that much time to master the tarot and yourself in your own way.
Numerology in Tarot
You can actually add up the number in the spread and get another dimension on the read of these energies. I have my own way of reading the energy in numbers based on the different dimensions of reality 0 through 9. Just how we have angel or "angle" numbers that give you a certain perspective based on the vibration of those numbers. Just how the bottom of the deck will give you a certain vibration based on the overall energy of your reading.
I'll give a quick interpretation based on the way I break down the energy of numbers, if you want to use it as a guide for yourself please do. If you see repeating numbers in your reading then that's an indication that the vibration of that number is very strong for you presently.
Numerology Break Down
0- The Void, The Unmanifested, Where All Potentiality Exists, The Resonates With The Fool Card In Tarot & New Beginnings (Feminine)
1- The Self, The First Manifestation, The First Light Out of The Void, This Resonates with The Magician Card In Tarot, The Master Manifestor (Masculine)
2- The Other, Duality, Balance, The Self Aligned With The Self (higher & lower self), The High Priestess In Tarot, (The dark and light pillars on this card represent duality and balance of the masculine and feminine)
3- This is two energies coming together to create or birth another energy. This is a New Point of View or reference point. This is creation. In Tarot this resonates with The Empress Card in Tarot. This card is the divine mother and can to some extent represent the harvest or birth of a new energy. (more complex then just feminine and masculine- it's both the create a third energy) Witches do things in three so that they manifest in the physical.
4- This is physical manifestation. This is synonymous with the body or structure. This connects the mind, body, and spirit with the physical reality, this is grounding. This also represents time. This is The Emperor Card in Tarot. This resonates with Saturn as well as the four winds. (this is a feminine number (manifestation) with a masculine energy of grounding)
5- This is the physical body or five-pointed star. This represents the 5 elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Eather. Eather being the soul or spirit that is manifested through the physical body. This is a broader perspective outside of time. This is the enlightened or divine self, manifested in the physical realm. This resonates with The Hierophant Card in Tarot. This card represents spiritual power and authority or the high priest. This is why the two people at the bottom of the card are bowing to the hierophant. This resonates with traditions or creating new traditions based on its position. (This is a masculine spiritual energy, so it can be a balanced masculine (balanced in his feminine energies as well) who is dealing with something beyond the physical yet has power and authority in the physical)
6- This number resonates with the divine union of the masculine and feminine. It's three twice being complete within the self. This is the higher concept of true androgeny. This resonates with "the lovers" card in tarot. This is the divine union. (this is the balance of masculine and feminine energy within the self)
7- This number resonates with christ consciousness. I feel some aquarian energy in that this is dealing with broader perspectives when it comes to humanity and the soul of the earth herself. This is mastery of not only the physical realm but mastering your emotions and staying the course spiritually. This number resonates with mysticism and connecting the spiritual with the physical. This is overcoming obstacles with emotional and spiritual balance and discipline. This resonates with The Chariot Card in Tarot. In this card, the man riding the chariot (being on his path) is learning to move through these energies while balancing his emotions and opposing energies by "reigning them in". (This is using the masculine energy to create balance spiritually)
8- The number 8 turned on its side is infinity. This resonates with infinite awareness. This card represents renewal and redemption. This is becoming a new being and is a higher consciousness. This also represents virtue and spiritual purity. This resonates with the Strength Card in tarot. The white this woman is wearing represents spiritual purity, the flowers are a blooming representing renewal. The woman in this card is taming the lion or taming her animal nature. (This is a feminine number resonating with higher consciousness dealing with the polarity of renewal the opposite of the initial manifestation with the number 1)
9- This is the Zero Manifested or The Void Manifested! This is the "Triple Triad" representing Completion. This is completion of Beginnings, Middles, and Ends. Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Completion. This number is divine in the earthly, Angelic, and celestial realms. This number is 90 degrees three times, representing 360 degrees. 9 is the limit of all numbers and thus is all-encompassing. This is all possibilities manifested. This number represents divine truth as well. This resonates with the Hermit Card in Tarot (and in the next cycle the world card). The hermit represents spiritual growth, accomplishment, and mastery. The Hermit uses wisdom to guide him and he has accomplished a heightened spiritual consciousness.
Grounding The Tarot
I wasn't thinking I would break down the first half of the Major Archana with the numbers but I have and so on my next part in this series we will deal with the second half of the major arcana. These are higher energies that will deal with the core 0-9 dimensions but in a new way.
All of the suits in tarot deal with higher and lower aspects of these energies this is why tarot truly reads the soul and the tarot assists us in understanding our divine mind. After the hermit is th wheel of fortune. I'm not going to say much now but it is definitely going to get interesting as we get deeper into the archetypal mind. Thank You all for reading and if you want a personal reading be sure to email me: You can also message me on facebook (Isabel montero)
or find me on Instagram @the_zero_manifested_