Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How Trauma Affects Manifestation: Turning Your Pain into Riches

Rags To Riches

The term "rags to riches" has been used throughout mainstream media for as long as I can remember. You see so few people winning the lottery or working their way to the top. Many individuals fall victim to these promises from various companies and messages from modern business gurus. Nothing is gained if you do not put energy into it. You may just want to move out of your parent's house or upgrade your current home but it seems impossible. I can tell you one thing I've learned on my journey nothing happens without direction and consistency. This, however, isn't the whole story. You can have direction & consistency and still feel frustrated. You may feel like you're a mouse on a wheel, moving as fast as you can but going nowhere. I've been in this position as well for many years and what has assisted me in breaking these cycles was healing trauma and de-programming poverty programming instilled by my parents and society at large. It was so bad at one point I wasn't sure if I could afford to go food shopping and couldn't pay my phone bill for months. I broke this cycle and you can too.    

How Trauma Affects Manifestation 

There is a widespread secret that nobody wants to talk about or face. All these people are walking around broken from physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse. Everyone to one extent or another experiences trauma in their lives, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Trauma no matter how small or large matters. In this society, we are taught to ignore our feelings and never actually give our true feelings any real validation. People in our lives may not give us any validation as well even our close family members, friends, and the actual abuser. The first step is to give yourself validation. Your feelings matter and you didn't deserve what you experienced. 

When we constantly ignore situations and circumstances that have caused us trauma the subconscious mind will continuously re-create the emotion even in a small way until the trauma is healed. You will find yourself constantly in pain and feeling like you keep re-creating these "negative feeling" emotions without knowing why. Whatever happened could be suppressed or happened so long ago that you don't remember. On a positive note, you don't need to remember the exact event but can actually go into the emotion in order to heal it. Sometimes simply doing a meditation and going into the emotion can trigger vague or vivid memories.   

Identifying Unwanted Cycles

You can easily identify unwanted cycles by writing a list of them. Once you have your list you can write next to the particular cycle the emotion connected to the cycle. The next step would be to one at a time go into a meditation and allow the emotion to come to the surface, feel into where it shows up in your body. I would say take your time and be gentle when doing this, it can be very difficult to go through emotionally. 

If you don't know how to meditate I would recommend based on my personal experience with clients and myself to find relaxing 432hz meditation music, sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breath until your body feels relaxed. Once you feel relaxed ask the emotion to come to the surface. Once you feel the emotion coming to the surface go deeper and deeper into the emotion, allow yourself to cry, and release the emotion. Breath through the emotion and allow your body to release the emotion. You can ask the emotion to reveal to you its root cause. In order to heal it's important to release yourself from the emotion that has caused the block. Forgive yourself, forgive the "other" when you are ready. Pour love into yourself. Self-love is similar to an energetic form of nourishment. You deserve this love, especially if you feel as though you weren't nourished with love as a child. After this meditation, you may want to journal in order to clear your thoughts and be honest with yourself about how you feel. I for one am proud and supportive of you on your healing journey, this is very difficult and it takes someone very strong to be able to choose to heal these difficult emotional cycles.

Re-Programming The Subconscious Mind   

Your subconscious mind is not rational. It works by connecting feelings and ideas to symbols. It's programmed through trauma, symbols, and repetition. What are the messages you have received from your family especially your mother or father? If they looked stressed when paying bills, were always talking about not having money, or saying they are "broke", then that programming is working through you. When you become aware of this programming this is the first step to breaking this programming. Society doesn't offer much in terms of cultivating inner stability, as well. The cultural programming is to go to college, get a job, get married, have children, keep working, and die. You did NOT come here to work and die. We are taught to look outside of ourselves for stability and creativity is ignored or considered "frivolous". How do you think this is affecting your ability to manifest? 

The first step is to recognize all of these programs and the next step is to give yourself new symbols and enact repetition as a way of re-programing. This is one reason why spiritual people will create alters as "symbols" and practice affirmations. These practices are ineffective if the initial programming is not recognized. It's like tearing down an old house and building a new one. You can hang paintings or pictures in your space that are in alignment with the prosperity and joy you want to feel more consistently. Also, taking time to pay attention to your self-talk is imperative. Do you talk about not having enough money consistently or say "I don't have enough to do that" all the time? You may also say things like, "I'm broke", "I need to work", "this business will never work" etc. 

Once you pay attention to self-talk and feelings that come up around paying bills you can work to change those words and feelings. I have worked on feeling thankful for having the ability to buy what I want, pay bills, or buy food. When you practice being thankful consistently you add more energy to that vibration and pull more experiences like this into your life. Looking back I can say with certainty that these habits have made earning income more effortless. I rarely have to think about paying bills or making money. I always have opportunities available to me and it has become effortless at this point. Another simple habit is getting a notebook and writing a gratitude list every morning. I always have what I need and I'm simply building upon this energy to create more wealth in my reality. 

It's Time To Get To Work!   

I want to take one step back before we get into taking an active role in your physical manifestation. In order to create order in what you want to manifest it's important to be focused. Part of this is figuring out what your personal divine purpose is. This way you are focused when you are putting energy into what lifestyle you would like to create for yourself. Write down what you love and what your very best version of your reality looks like for you personally. Once you have this focus you can create an action plan around your intention.

I advise small steps or breaking the larger steps down into small actionable steps. Even if you can save just a small amount during the month, this may be your first step to creating a fund for your business for example. If you want to get healthier, picking up one healthy habit every 2-3 weeks may be more effective then trying to do everything at once, for another example. 

When we take actionable steps towards what we would like to manifest and are consistent in our approach we are sending out a vibration of confidence in ourselves. This energy comes back and assists in our endeavors. We don't get what we want we get what we feel we deserve. You deserve what your soul was called here for, nothing more and nothing less. You are a divine creator and your uniqueness is what should be celebrated. I want to warn you that this process will change your life, you may not enjoy hanging out with certain friends, you may want to spend time in new places, you may end up having a break-up or even moving to a new city. Don't fret, just trust your process, trust your internal guidance system; that small voice within you that is saying YES this is for me, this is the right choice, this feels right! Trusting this inner voice has yet to lead me astray and even when I didn't understand why I was experiencing something it became clear to me later on and I'm thankful for all these experiences, even the difficult ones. 

Creating Internal Stability

Nowhere in society and maybe even in "spiritual circles", will you find anybody talking in a cohesive way about creating internal stability. I have worked with my own chakras extensively and this is how I was able to recognize how this concept actually works. I had a period of time when I was breaking my family's "poverty programming" and this lead me to work extensively with my root chakra. I noticed that the energy in my root chakra was very slow and felt like it did not have enough energy moving through it. I also felt I wasn't very "grounded" or rooted. Personally, this came from not feeling stable or safe financially in my environment and I was constantly attracting this experience of lack. 

In order to remedy this, I began practicing feeling as if I already had all I needed within me. This coupled with extensive root chakra clearing, breathing techniques, and practicing gratitude daily helped me to break the curse of lack consciousness. I can now feel the promise from spirit and I take it as truth that I am divinely loved, favored, and will always have all that I need. 

You have all you need already within you. You are the "magician" card in tarot and you are holding the "world" card in your hand. Once I worked on the root chakra I balanced my sacral and more importantly my solar plexus. The solar plexus I tend to still work with pretty regularly, I was prone to depression as a teen, and depression is a loss of will, which deals with the solar plexus. In order to be actionable, we must tap into and utilize our will. Procrastination is also a manifestation of a weak will. You will is like the fire that keeps you going. It's very important to understand you deserve your destiny and you deserve to have the energy to achieve all of your goals. 

You can do a meditation to foster internal strength and a strong will. This type of meditation really helped me immensely to fortify the feeling of having all I need within me consistently regardless of my circumstances. Essentially once you are in a relaxed meditative state (even if you are doing a walking meditation) you focus on the feeling of having everything you need within you at this moment. I have done this meditation so consistently that I now walk with this feeling every single day. 

What The Future Holds...     

Just as the present is what you make it the future will be what you make it as well. Do not anticipate the future too much, instead plan for the future, and in the present find actionable ways to create the future reality in your vibration. Let me make this a little more simple, feel into the future. If you know where you are in the present you will know where you are going. Yes, it actually is that easy, once you are healed and have done the inner-work to re-program your subconscious mind. Another thing is to create a timeline for milestones and accomplishments but don't be overly stringent with those timelines. As long as you are consistently moving in the right direction the world has no choice but to bend to YOUR WILL. I say to myself often, "whoever holds the vibration the longest and strongest wins." I dictate my reality and no matter what my circumstances I will be the victor in my story. I leave you with this as a final thought and a powerful affirmation, "I am a powerful creator, I observe constant success in my endeavors, and am unstoppable in my conviction." 

I love you guys. Until next time this is NinĂ© Signing off and wishing you only the best in your past, present, and future realities.       


  1. Incredibly well put together. From the content, your reassurances and encouragements to your readers, and the organization. This was informative and profound, as well as moving and inspiring. Well done!

    1. Thank You so much for this beautiful comment. I appreciate you.
