Thursday, May 14, 2020

Let's Get Magickal!! Practical Magick Everyday!

Everything is magick. How you got here alone was a ritual, it may have been a drunken, haphazard ritual but nonetheless, it was a powerful ritual that brought you into union with your physical vehicle. You are a spark of the infinite having a human experience. You alone know your true purpose for being here. Brushing our teeth, for example, is a powerful ritual. This is a powerful ritual because you do it every day and thus have energy that is added to this ritual daily. You can take basic everyday habits and hack them to add energy to what you are manifesting in the physical reality. This is all about intention and continued focus. The rest of the day you don't think about brushing your teeth and this can allow space for the ritual to align in the spiritual realm what you want to manifest in the physical realm.

Your Very Powerful Mind

The power of the mind is played down drastically in society. We have heard that old programming that most people only use 10 percent of our "brains". This isn't even a logical or coherent line of thinking. The mental aspect of the soul uses the brain as simply a physical tool. Did you know that the heart begins beating in the womb before the brain is more than a liquid with some erratic electrical impulses.

Okay so back to this "10 perfect of the brain mess". This is a deep programming the brain is alive and anything in the body that no longer has energy moving through it dies. The trick is to be able to consciously control your mind. Most people have animalistic impulses that lie under a thin veneer of self-righteousness and control. One heated argument or inconvenience in their modern lives and we will see the true nature of most people. Take more of these modern comforts away and we will see even more truth. The truth is that most people lack emotional balance and control. Emotional control is one of the first forms of self-control and these modern working conditions in counties like America perpetuate a cycle of mental slavery. This mental slavery suppresses souls and keeps many people distracted from the true soul's work.

Another perspective is that when humans are not focused on survival which today entails working one maybe even two jobs to "survive", they have the ability to expand into their true higher nature. Most people don't have time to focus on expanding their awareness and consciousness as spiritual beings having a human experience. The sad truth is that most people don't want to. This 2020 pandemic has shown us the who's who of individuals asking for expansion and awareness and those who have wasted time in fear and confusion. People subscribe to spirituality and the idea of soul sovereignty when times are good but collapse into fear when that belief is challenged.

Emotional control and sovereignty expands beyond the workplace. Choosing a strategy when speaking your mind is imperative. Especially because aspects of life are war-like, especially when dealing with these war-like cultures and societies. We have been taught that there isn't enough to go around. Yet when we look at the earth fruit bears abundantly, root vegetables are widely available, and animals are around even in the winter for food if nothing else is around. Abundance is your birthright, you have enough air to breathe to keep your body alive and this is a form of abundance that isn't appreciated.

The magickal mind sees what others just can not perceive. You see abundance and sustenance when others simply can not see it. In this matrix, the magickal mind sees and creates an opportunity even when the reality would try and convince them otherwise. This is a daily practice of observing and feeling your inner abundance and strength. Never allowing the reality to dictate our perception but rather our perception dictates reality.

A Matter of The Heart 

The spiritual warrior is engaged in the life long work of the self, aligning with the self. Vulnerability is a powerful state. However, remaining vulnerable in our day to day lives isn't wise. Putting off our ego is liberating. It is wise to remember that the ego has a function and the healthy ego is balanced. When the heart is open it's magick is powerful. We can send out waves of intention with the heart. New agers will say everything is energy, this is true but narrow, everything is MAGICK! The magic of the heart is that when we have emotional control we can choose when and where to open our heart. Thus our heart is not in the driver's seat, our soul is operating the heart and the body with clarity.

When you use your heart for manifesting in the now you feel what your true reality of your highest potential is now. This is a powerful tool.

How To Manifest In The Now

When you manifest in the now you proactively align the self with the self. Channels like Abraham-Hicks call this the Vortex and "getting into your vortex". This is literally aligning within the self. What is the reality that gives you the most joy? This reality isn't based on a lack consciousness. So if you want more money or feel lonely so you want a relationship this will not yield the results that are in alignment with your soul's true desire. If you already had all the love and money you need what would be left. What's left is your soul's mission your greatest alignment within the self.

Meditation For Alignment With The Now 

You can do this as a walking meditation, sit in a comfortable position, or lay down in a comfortable position. I usually use 432hz meditation music or singing bowls.

1. Breathe through your body, as you pull in the breath imagine the breath at your feet and slowly move the breath up the body till you reach the top of your head.

2. Once you feel relaxed. I would align in the solar plexus but it can be any chakra or area of the body that resonates and ask the feeling of your most aligned reality to come forth.

3. Feel into this "feeling" or emotion. With every in-breath go deeper and with every out-breath feel the fullness of the emotion or feeling filling your body.

4. Do this until you are ready to stop.

5. End your meditation in any way that feels in alignment for you. 

Following Your Soul's True Desire

You are a magickal, spiritual being having a human experience. When you are in alignment and in your joy it feels like you are running towards your true infinite self, with enthusiasm and joy. On the opposite end of the spectrum when we are out of alignment we feel much differently. The emotions that come up may be depression, feeling lost, feeling sad, and feeling lonely or alone. It is a daily practice to remain in alignment. This takes questioning how we feel, why we feel this way, and taking time to create balance. Life can be busy but this is not an excuse for ignoring this important aspect of self-care. Overtime when we ignore our true feelings we create catastrophic moments in life that force us into a dark night of the soul.

You may lose a job, an important relationship, or anything else that is important to you. This gives you time to sort through your emotions and create true healing within the self. The dark night of the soul is a blessing in disguise. This is one way our soul shows us how important we are and gives us space to create alignment. I have always said that everyone matters and everyone's mission is important. You are a powerful being and so much in life will try and convince you otherwise. You have your soul that is on your side and determined to show you otherwise. I am so amazingly proud of you for never giving up. It takes a strong will and powerful being to choose to believe themselves when everything else wants you to believe otherwise.

I personally will journal, dance, meditate, burn incents, and/or take a spiritual bath to create daily alignment. Just going for a simple walk through nature if possible will help clean your aura and boost your mood. Self-care is an extremely important and sometimes overlooked aspect of living a magickal life daily. Connecting with others who are on your same frequency is important as well. Even if it's just online, knowing you are not alone is very helpful for moving forward with manifesting the reality that is most in alignment with your soul's purpose.

In Conclusion

I hope this information was inspiring, strengthening, and informative for your soul's purpose. You are not walking this path alone.  You have more support than you could ever imagine. You are the magick and this is why these greater themes of not just doing spells and rituals regularly but protecting and adding into your energy daily is the greater mission at hand. This way whatever your into is effective and powerful for your soul's growth.

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