How I Got Started With Demonology
This is a pretty recent manifestation: Due to my experience chanting over and doing energy work on clients to pull these sort of parasitic entities out of their body and energy body. Demons I noticed really had nothing to do with these attachments. Some had ancestors that needed to be exiled from the DNA, others had parasitic attachments. On the highest levels these attachments even existed in the 9th dimension, there were attachments from ex's and from people who worked magic in order to attach to and draw magic from the chakras of clients. Not one demon to be found, only parasites and vampires.
Occult Tarot
I recently purchased The Occult Tarot from Travis McHenry. This tarot mainly deals with the 72 demons or the Goetia mentioned in "The Lesser Keys of Solomon" with some lovely add-ons. On a side note it's better to research the daemons instead of depending on the "suggestions" on the top of the deck that have the names of the traditional tarot cards. The suggestions about which tarot card the card is supposed to resonate with really isn't accurate. These cards have a whole life of their own honestly, and it's better to research and get to know these entities. I also would not use the ritual or leave any offerings for these entities. Adepts know that all these energies exist inside of us. The scholar Bobby Hemmitt was able to decode the 72 goetia as different chakras or "activation points" inside of the pineal glad creating the tetragrammaton. The Angels being the other 72 activation points in the mind (not the pineal glad) as rulers of the pineal gland.
Okay so moving on, this deck has been fascinating to me and one of the first cards I pulled was Lucifer and Azazel. This got me thinking about a reply I left on a facebook post, explaining that Lucifer and Venus were different aspects of the same being. Sounds weird right? I started researching for this blog post on Venus and Lucifer, I was able to get channeled messages from both entities as well.
Understanding, I've been doing spiritual work for a while now and not one demon or daemon to be found. I actually started calling these attached entities "dirty dark" spirits, understanding now that they are opportunistic parasites. The daemons can be used to understand how to transcend our own animal nature, just like the zodiac represents our animalistic nature. We are to conquer our lower nature in order to become perfected. The angels rule over the Zodiac or star constellations. Just as your mind is over the pineal gland. We are to reach a higher consciousness above this as well, as we learn to merge with our higher (or highest) self, which is closest to source. Your pineal glad is not evil the daemons are "fallen or lower angels" they have positive and negative aspects. The fallen angels taught us about the knowledge of the heavens, art, herbalism, how to use crystals, divination, metal working, and much more.
Lucifer: The Morning Star
Lucifer is called the morning star in the bible, Jesus is also called the morning star in the bible. Jesus I feel is an entity created to confuse people about this ancient information. I have a theory that Lucifer fell around the time that humans got lost in their desires (lower nature) and became trapped in the physical body. This would coincide with the fall of Atlantis. We used to be able to materialize and de-materialize our human body at will. At this time I believe many people are at the beginning stages of reawakening this ability via astral projection. Lucifer they say was jealous and wanted God's throne for himself. Maybe he wanted this because he wanted his own sovereignty? This lead to the war in heaven, and the fall of some of the angels.
The Temptation
This false god is called Jehovah or Yaldabaoth. Lucifer is said to be the serpent that tempted Eve in the garden of Eden. What he did was give her free will, because being in the garden was essentially a prison for this false god as his "creations". Why would a benevolent god become angry because someone was given wisdom. Is it that he didn't want them to know who he truly was? Other scholars have guessed that perhaps Azazel (who is a watcher) was the serpent in the garden, and others think the serpent was Sophia or even Lilith herself. Perhaps all these deities are actually connected and different aspects of wisdom.
Wisdom is Bad?
When the angels decided they wanted to make love to the women of earth, once again this Jehovah or Yaldabaoth became angry but not why you think. Although he says the angels "defiled themselves" he also was angry because the Angels began teaching their lovers about divination, magick, the use of herbs, astrology, etc., WISDOM. These were regarded as "the secrets of heaven". I received a channeled message about the offspring of the Nephilim or giants that were conceived by women and angels from Lucifer, as well. I will discuss this below. Lucifer: The Liberator (in Gnosticism), force, light, Oneness, Akasha.
Channeled Messages From Lucifer
Him: "All Occult information must be kept secret fore it is sacred."
Me: Why?
Him: "We gave the secrets to humanity once & they created all manners of wickedness, in their ignorance."
Me: Who were the Nephilim & why were they giants?
Him: "Well, some of the women we mated with were too low vibrational to conceive divine beings, so those came out as giants. A few of them did, however, create divine beings on earth."
This was all I asked for the purpose of this blog. I do want to mention on a side note that the giants were created because the soul energy that was supposed to come through the woman was too high vibrational for her womb. The energy instead became big bodies and small souls. Also, I find it weird that this god basically was not allowing Angels to be sovereign. This for me is a huge red flag. All beings should be sovereign and able to have free will, even angels.
Venus: The Morning Star
I used the ancient Venus in the blog image because women's bodies are curvy and sensual, this is a manifestation of the Venus energy herself. We as women should not be ashamed of curvy sensual bodies, this is an expression of our feminine nature.
We will deal with Venus in astrology starting off. Lucifer "the light barer" and Venus have something in common, they are both known as "the morning star". Venus additionally is known as the evening star. This happens because the planet Venus's cycle in the sky is roughly 9 months as the morning star, 9 months as the evening star and one month she can not be seen. This month is broken up into the transitional period between her positions in the sky. Venus happens to be the third brightest object in the sky behind the sun and moon. Venus also reflects the light of the sun.
Interesting Astrology Facts
- Venus Falls in Virgo
- Venus is Risen in Pisces
- Venus is at a Detriment in Scorpio
The Death & Rebirth
Venus "the morning star" is all about self-love, Venus "the evening star" is all about Self-less love. When Venus disappears she is said to be undergoing a transformation, or a death only to be reborn. The lesson of Venus teaches us how we can balance self-less love and self-love in a healthy way. In mythology Venus is born of the sea-foam (resonating with emotions) and when she goes into the underworld she is tricked by her sister and killed, only to be re-born. Interesting how the astrology and mythology mirror one another.
Channeled Message From Venus
Me: Venus, what would you like to say?
Venus: "I am the mother of the earth, that links the earth to the cosmos, a gateway [portal]."
Me: What about your negative aspects?
Venus: "I am honest, I show my jealousy & rage in order to show others what is a lower expression of the Venus energy, the path they should not follow. My vulnerability is my strength."
Me: What is your connection with Lucifer?
Venus: "Well What did he have to say... I am the Masculine... He is... the feminine... we are one yet distinct. Lucifer gives light. I give healing."
Now the last message was transmitted as a coded message. I know what she means but I will let you decide for yourself what it means. What's the fun in figuring things out if someone gives you all the answers. That's all for now.