Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Why Karma Is A Soul Trap

What is Karma?

Karma is a Buddhist concept, this is a "religion" and a world religion at that. I'm not the expert on Buddhism but I do want to deal with the doctrine of karma briefly here. Buddhists value all life and don't believe in killing, yet we kill to eat and nourish our bodies. Karma at its core means deeds or action. The concept of every action has a reaction, but karma is a lower form of this concept. If we believe our deeds are immortal how can we transcend them? Being a "good little boy" or "good little girl" isn't going to transmute immortal deeds or actions. What you believe you conceive and this world is dense with trap after trap to keep your soul here in this matrix. Your soul is not your body and while your soul learns the lessons of your incarnations it is released from the body at the end of your earthly incarnation. If all you have is your DNA and the knowledge it contains then you become beholden to and trapped by the DNA aka your humanity. Yet we transcend the DNA, and absorb the wisdom we have learned without being attached to it. If you feel regret, guilt, or any of these low frequencies your frequency isn't lite enough to transcend this reality and you will be trapped by the astral light to come back here. Many times we hear about the soul or heart being weighed and to transcend this matrix it must be lite as a feather. This is even spoken about in ancient Egyptian mythologies. They were giving us the keys to the kingdom. It's up to us to truly figure out what it all means and put the pieces together.  

Hermeticism The Law of Cause And Effect 

The law of cause and effect is the 6th law of hermeticism. It's very interesting information to digest. We can get confused and believe that the law of karma is the same as the law of cause and effect. The law of cause and effect is self-empowering and the principle of karma is disempowering for the soul. When we observe the world around us we can perceive that some people seem to be in a state of constantly reacting to their circumstances and others that create circumstances. They move about this plane not realizing they give their power away by merely choosing to be obedient to the environment, the wills of others, subconscious programming, heredity, and so on and so forth. There are others that choose not to react but rather to be the creator of their reality, the masters of their destiny. They are not beholden to the desires of others stronger than them, work on emotional control, are not lost in trying to be nice for the sake of appeasing others, have learned to deprogram the subconscious mind, are not beholden to even their own character or ego, and choose to create instead of reacting. This is what it means to follow your own soul's wisdom and remain in your own divine alignment. 

The causers are strategic and do not bow down to anyone. They stand in their own power and choose to consciously create their reality. While every cause has an effect will you choose to be the causer or the affected?      

These are two radically different angles of light. While every action has a reaction what is your intention and how are you manifesting your will in your own personal world? I can give an example of pushing a marble across a table. Someone has to push the marble to make it move and maybe if the marble hits something with enough force it can knock it over quite easily. If the person pushing the marble can't knock the other object over directly, they may try and direct the marble to move around the object or observe a weak point and hit the object there.   

We can imagine that the object is an obstacle in life and we are learning how to direct our energy in order to move beyond and master that obstacle. It takes more skill and determination to be the causer than to lay down as the affected and let others dictate your path in life for you. 

Perspective Shift

If you had no fear of judgment what would you do? Karma is based on fear this is why I ask this question. This principle of karma is misleading in that it makes us think if we are just good enough we can make it off this plane of reality. This is incredibly insidious and wicked.

Life is entanglement. We are always going to create a form of entanglement and when we engage with the energy of others and take it personally our heart becomes heavy and we replay that situation over and over again until we learn to release that energy. Karma, when we think about it, is unrealistic. It is unrealistic because unless we talk to no-one and eat nothing we can't escape this cycle. This is how we know this concept is false. So when we break this down on an esoteric level we can understand how to achieve true soul sovereignty and liberty.

In order to achieve true soul sovereignty and liberty, we must let go of cycles. This is what new agers call "breaking karmic ties". While this is a real concept it is still misunderstood in the sense that people try and justify the existence of karma, while trying to convince others of breaking karmic ties. Simply let go of your waters or emotions around the situation, person, or concept. This is how you keep your soul lite, by choosing to not take things personally. Then you can focus on caring for yourself and manifesting what your true soul's desire is you are becoming someone who is a Causer and releasing the bondage of being someone who is always effected as a victim. 

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