Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Unleash Your Higher-Self & Divine Potential

It's Always Been YOU Holding You Back!

I have noticed lately that anxiety, paranoia, over-thinking and other negative feeling traits seem to be just spewing out of people. This isn't negative in my experience, I just find it interesting. Even the few emotional upheavals I have had, really happened to be lingering emotional trauma coming to the surface to be healed. Thankfully I have done a lot of work in the past to balance my ego and clearing trauma so this was minor compared to what I am seeing in the world and all over social media. 

The frequencies on the planet, the other planetary and cosmic energies seem to be creating a purge. We have asked for this, remember we are co-creators of this reality. Anyone who has been dishonest with themselves are not going to be able to hide anymore. They can try their best but the truth will come spewing out. No more holding your tongue and seething in jealousy, envy, and hate secretly. This is a time of growth and clearing out the old or drowning in your own filthy decaying states of being. Even the government has barely been able to hide their agendas. The wicked agendas have become obvious for many people and for some the reality is very hard to accept. This has caused some to have rapid awakenings and this can be very confusing and difficult to go through, especially at such a tumultuous time in history. 

When we go into ourselves and start to examine limiting cycles, beliefs, and release old trauma we realize it has always been ourselves holding us back. I especially want to take time in this next section to talk about how our ego can be tricky and manipulative. We have to outsmart our own ego and come to a state of honesty within ourselves to create true breakthroughs. 

Playing Hide And Seek With Our Ego

Many people even in spiritual communities and occultists practice from a space of ego, using low magic to impose their human will onto this reality. I call this low magick because they use tools outside of themselves without really even knowing what the purpose of those tools are. I'm gonna give it to you straight. The outside deities, alters, candles, rituals and tools are used in order to assist in reprogramming the subconscious mind. You are using outside tools to align the energies within yourself. This is the secret, the issue is with intention. 

When we do our magickal practice while being out of alignment with our higher-self we experience unnecessary frustration, exhaustion, and mishaps. Many may have some results on their spiritual path but are not drawing in the power they could have because they are not getting the channels from their own higher self to keep them in alignment. Why, because before they started their spiritual journey they haven't dealt with their subconscious programming, trauma, and haven't experienced true transformation. These people are still indulging daily in their humanity while wearing a new "identity". I-Deity or identity is the ego. Truly our soul is no-thing, it is intangible and endless. As the saying goes, a pig wearing lipstick, is still a PIG.  

At this time all the healing many haven't done is coming to the surface and it's becoming more and more apparent every day. We can no longer hide from ourselves. It's time to align the self with the self. It is time to leave our victimhood behind, let go of our need for control, and balance our own ego. We play hide and seek by believing we are different than what we were but never looking inside at our own pain and releasing our own guilt. The ego sneaks in by creating situations of delusion and believing something other than ourselves is creating our reality. 

True Transformation

The ego or "I-Entity" doesn't want to die. This is why it will create situation after situation in order to create stasis and keep things as they always have been. In our humanity we crave comfort and knowing how things work in our reality, but life doesn't truly happen in our comfort zone. Life happens at the edge of of comfort zone, when we lean over and look into the void fearless. 

At first overcoming our old selves feels like a huge burden to overcome. However, as you work one step at a time it gets easier and easier to overcome the old ego self and step into your new more aligned reality. Much within us will fight against this transformation but the harder the reality fights back the more change is actually occurring. By using your will to focus on yourself instead of others you will overcome and create real lasting change in your reality. 

Your first step towards true alignment is nourishing yourself by aligning with your higher-self. You can do this simply through meditation and once relaxed ask your higher-self to reveal itself to you. This way you can begin the process of communication. I've heard once before, "the angels in heaven say the gods are on earth".  It's more of a paraphrase, anyway I bring this up because it brings me to another point. I also came across a phrase in my runes book that confirms this perspective in a different way. It said "If the phrase as above so below is true, then we also nourish our higher-selves." 

We are already divine beings even in our human form, when we honor ourselves in this form we honor and send energy to our higher-self as well. Think about how aggressive the programming is in this reality to make you believe you are nothing but a wretch and "sinner". Even in mundane reality we are fed the programming "you're only human". This is supposed to comfort us when we feel bad but it's truly an attack on our consciousness and creates an excuse for us to not take responsibility for ourselves and make a change. You are not merely a "human", you are an infinite being from source having a human experience. Interesting that this phrase is usually said when you are sad or upset about something and your aura is not as strong as it usually is, I don't think this is a mistake. It may be unconscious and used in a way that is "unaware", but it doesn't make demeaning phrases any less dangerous to true soul sovereignty.  

Level UP!

If you want to make it to your next level, then take time to release guilt, release hate, release anxiety, let go of jealousy and heal your trauma.  It's also important question your motives, question why you think the way you do, choose to be a victor not a victim and claim you divine birthright as a Sovereign Being. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do, and focusing on yourself will give you the ability to Level Up. This will also make you more relaxed as you ride the ups and downs of life. Life can be unpredictable and when we stay in our center we have the ability to navigate from a space of being clear about our mission and destiny. Remember you don't have a "destiny" you create one. Even before you come into this reality, your destiny is a seed within your consciousness that YOU created and planted, so you can have the joy of re-discovery in this lifetime. Now that you are aware of all this information, your destiny is in your hands, what will you do with it?  

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